We are critical thinkers. That comes with the ability to navigate and strategically analyze complex regulatory landscapes, enabling our clients to run their businesses the way they want, and to anticipate future challenges to keep them out of hot water.
We are problem-solvers. With decades of experience assessing regulatory frameworks, we are experts at advising clients on high impact, real-time decision-making. Our strength is strategy; we are our clients’ right-hand, at their side as they respond to regulatory issues and in their corner at tribunal and court hearings. Especially when our clients’ businesses and careers are on the line.
We understand, from experience, the requirements and challenges of both being regulated and being a professional. Even (and especially) when that means contending with highly specialized and technical health and scientific knowledge. Our team has worked with health care practitioners, health care providers, regulators, regulated professionals such as veterinarians and dentists, and healthcare organizations for decades. We have significant and specialized experience in everything from providing employment advice, to drafting health legislation and regulations, to analyzing professional codes of conduct. We have both prosecuted and defended health professionals and other regulated practitioners in complex investigations and disciplinary proceedings where their careers and livelihoods are on the line. We are leaders in our field. We win.
Doctors, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare providers often say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. We know from experience this is true. We are the ounce of prevention. We help our clients make better and smarter decisions, and avoid undesirable outcomes. And when BLEEP hits the fan, we have the experience, knowledge, and talent to contain and clean up the mess – just like a good antibiotic.
Just think of us as your Doctors of Law: we’ve got the degrees to prove it.